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Test flight after cleaning contacts


Active Member
Sep 8, 2020
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I'm trying to get a better feel for a comfortable range expectation w/my Karma. After cleaning the karma, gimble, battery, and camera contacts I took her out for a test spin in a fairly open area. There are some residential dwellings and power lines in the area but I would characterize as semi-rural. Winds were light and the Karma flew well. Camera button was responsive.

You can see that I took the Karma out about 0.3 miles (I think the controller stated ~1,300 ft). I turned around when the controller signal icon changed from green (to orange?) although video was clear and controls were responsive. Would have liked to see a green signal for further distance. However, I was quite frankly having difficulty seeing the Karma at this distance anyhow. I visually lost it for a few secs and then located it again -- if I had lost it and lost the video feed I would have been in trouble. So would prefer to have greater "green signal" range as a safeguard for when I want to fly further and my temporarily lose visual contact with the Karma.

Nice film!
Depending on wifi (and other) disturbance. At best I have "green" signal strength for 150meters then I can continue flying on "orange" another 100-200meters before I see short blinks/freezes in the video on the Karma controller and signal changes to "red".

In bad place I get change from "green" to orange just in going upp 50-80 meters.
Nice film!
Depending on wifi (and other) disturbance. At best I have "green" signal strength for 150meters then I can continue flying on "orange" another 100-200meters before I see short blinks/freezes in the video on the Karma controller and signal changes to "red".

In bad place I get change from "green" to orange just in going upp 50-80 meters.
Karma was never gonna be long distance.
you can have yellow signal already just on the ground before you take off.

red can happen just 50 meters distance. Its all about interferance and line of sight.
Dont push the big bird otherwise itll fly-off.

i dont fly karma anymore. Its on a sleeping state right now for the winter.
Perhaps I should be more satisfied with the range I'm getting. I mostly fly in semi-rural areas but often see green range for over 1,000-1,200 ft. I flew about 1,600 ft from the controller yesterday and returned because it was bright and sunny and it was unclear to me if the range indicator was orange or red. Since I knew it might be red I brought the Karma back. I could still see it in the sky and would have liked to go a little further but am learning how to push the limits but trust the gauges and not second-guess them.

Also tried my first flight with weak or no GPS on a wide trail in the woods. Winds were very light (1-2MPH?) and I did ok but was definitely more challenging to keep the Karma moving along the path I wanted. I was able to keep from hitting anything but struggled to keep a smooth flight path for quality video. I suspect a more experienced pilot could have done well with the Karma under these circumstances.

I've read so many articles complaining about the Karma and it's poor signal quality and flight stability. It's certainly not as solid and strong as a modern DJI drone but seems very adequate.

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